I have had a few requests from members to do another street/city scene, so bearing this in mind I printed out this picture I took of a busy day in Martinique, in the Caribbean when we were there on holiday last November.
A busy street scene like this is a bit out of my comfort zone, so I took a small section of the scene that contained figures and building structures, drew it out and did a bit of experimenting.
I deliberately chose not to paint the whole scene as, where possible, when we are filming I like to create a painting from scratch, rather than feel I am copying a previous piece of work. I think this helps to create a more spontaneous, fresher result.
Here are four stages of the painting process; starting with the drawing, then putting in some masking fluid, before painting in the background and gradually working down through the figures and street detail to the foreground.
Looking forward to filming this one, hopefully soon!