Do you love the landscape around you and wish you could learn to paint it in watercolour? Or are you are already a keen artist, looking to hone your skills or learn new techniques?
Geoff Kersey is an expert watercolourist and art tutor with years of experience. Now you can watch and learn as he shows how to paint wonderful watercolour landscapes, from mixing the first washes to adding final details.
Join online for 24/7 access to a treasury of enlightening tutorials, revealing the entire painting process in easy-to-follow steps. There is nothing like watching a master at work, and as you follow, you will build your own skills and confidence, taking your painting to a new level.
Membership gives you a brand new tutorial every two weeks, plus access to the entire tutorial library all the while you’re subscribed. Sign up now to get the very best demonstrations, tips and advice in the comfort of your own home!
• Projects for all abilities, from complete beginner to advanced.
• A brand new tutorial is added every 2 weeks, and you get access to the entire back catalogue of projects all the while you’re subscribed.
• All tutorials are available 24/7, 365 days a year, so you can watch and paint along with them as many times as you like all the while you’re subscribed.
• Each tutorial project consists of a video, lasting on average 80 minutes, a download pack with line drawing, equipment list and reference images to help you get started.
• Tips on lighting, composition, and drawing.
• Sketching to mixing colour, preparation to completion, everything you need to know to develop your painting skills.
• We have a fantastic set of short videos covering all my most important and useful watercolour techniques.
•Practising these techniques to become more familiar with the process will serve you very well in your painting.
•These are all available for FREE, just register an account and you can get started straight away!
• Our members community area, available with all full membership plans, allows you to discuss and talk about each of the tutorials with other members.
• Share your painting experiences, favourite tutorials, tips and hints of your own with other members - a real painting community and learning resource.
• Meet other members from around the world, and make some like minded friends!
• In addition to all this, each month there is a chance to win one of my original paintings worth upwards of £200! With all full members being entered into a monthly prize draw!